ECCO2 Cube92 model output

NASA JPL ECCO2 Cube92 model output

Cube92 model output interpolated (and for vectors rotated) on a 1/4-deg, 90S-90N latitude-longitude grid.

2D & 3D fields are daily averages or monthly averages.

There are 50 vertical levels with thicknesses:
delR = 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.01,
10.03, 10.11, 10.32, 10.80, 11.76, 13.42, 16.04 , 19.82, 24.85,
31.10, 38.42, 46.50, 55.00, 63.50, 71.58, 78.90, 85.15, 90.18,
93.96, 96.58, 98.25, 99.25,100.01,101.33,104.56,111.33,122.83,

For more information please see: readme.txt


3D: potential temperature (deg C), salinity (PSU), zonal velocity (m/s), meridional velocity (m/s), vertical velocity [m/s]. 2D: mixed layer depth [m], net surface fresh water flux [kg/m^2/s], net surface heat flux [W/m^2], net short-wave radiation [W/m^2], zonal and meridional surface wind stress [N/m^2], bottom pressure anomaly [m^2/s^2], SEAICE fractional ice-covered area [m^2/m^2], SEAICE effective ice thickness [m], SEAICE snow thickness [m], sea surface height [m], sea surface salinity [psu], sea surface temperature [deg C]
Zonal Global by 0.25 deg
Meridional Global by 0.25 deg
Vertical 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75.005, 85.025, 95.095, 105.31, 115.87, 127.15, 139.74, 154.47, 172.4, 194.735, 222.71, 257.47, 299.93, 350.68, 409.93, 477.47, 552.71, 634.735, 722.4, 814.47, 909.74, 1007.155, 1105.905, 1205.535, 1306.205, 1409.15, 1517.095, 1634.175, 1765.135, 1914.15, 2084.035, 2276.225, 2491.25, 2729.25, 2990.25, 3274.25, 3581.25, 3911.25, 4264.25, 4640.25, 5039.25, 5461.25, 5906.25 m  
Temporal daily: Jan 4, 1992 to Dec 31, 2023 by 1 day
monthly: Jan 1992 to Dec, 2023 by 1 day
Static? no
Volume ~23.6gb/year/3d variable; ~1.5gb/year/2d variable
Server public:
Acquired Oct 11, 2016 (Updated May 2024)
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Supplements Readme_ecco2_cube92