How to use the OPeNDAP server in NCL.

The following explains the steps of loading data served by OPeNDAP using NCL.

Download and install OPeNDAP enabled NCL (if needed):

Start NCL:
(For demonstration purposes, we show the commands in interactive mode.
The example script is available here.)

Load data using addfile and proceed as you normally would:
Note: ; operator as comments.


vars = getfilevarnames(f)
It should echo the following:
Variable: vars
Type: string
Total Size: 32 bytes
            4 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:   [4]
(0)     ssh
(1)     lon
(2)     lat
(3)     time


It should echo the following:
Variable: ssh
Type: float
Total Size: 52768 bytes
            13192 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [lat | 97] x [lon | 136]
            lat: [  18..  24]
            lon: [195.08203125..206.947265625]
Number Of Attributes: 4
  time : 731858
  _FillValue :   -1e+34
  missing_value :     -1e+34
  long_name :   sea surface height [cm]

wks=gsn_open_wks("ps", "ssh")
res                                           = True
res@cnFillOn                          = True
res@gsnSpreadColors            = True
res@gsnSpreadColorStart      = 2
res@gsnSpreadColorEnd       = -3
res@cnLinesOn                      = False
res@cnFillDrawOrder             = "PreDraw"
res@gsnAddCyclic = False
res@mpMaxLatF = 24.
res@mpMinLatF = 18.
res@mpMaxLonF = -153.
res@mpMinLonF = -165.
plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,ssh,res)
; Opens the DODS served data.

; Read the variable for the region of Hawaii
; for October 03, 2004

; print a summary of the variable

; open a ps file
; choose colormap
; plot mods desired
; turn on color fill
; use full range of colormap
; start at color 2
; don't use added gray
; no contour lines
; draw contours before continents
; set for zooming in to the region of interest
; choose subregion

; Plot sea surface height