Traverse the directory structure to find the dataset.
For example, "NRL NLOM 1/16° Nowcast" are in "APDRC Public-Access Products ->nlomnowcast".
Note: Find the directory(s) -> dataset and make OPeNDAP URL like this:[directory(s)]/[dataset]
For example, click "nlomnowcast" to find different category variables in the dataset.
The dataset page describes the dataset in TDS format. The user can get ASCII or binary subsets directly from the data access form.
For example, "NRL NLOM 1/16° Nowcast" SSH info page look like this:
Note: All datasets in TDS are also in LAS.
The OPeNDAP/DODS Data URL is near the top of the "info" page and looks like
Authenticated OPeNDAP URL:[authenticated_directory(s)]/[dataset]
Note: User-friendly analysis and visualization programs will have pop-up to input username and password.
Authenticated OPeNDAP URL with username and password:[authenticated_directory(s)]/[dataset]
Note: Advanced analysis and visualization packages require username and password to be included in the URL.
For example, NLOM SSH OPeNDAP URL is:
After determining the OPeNDAP URL, users can access data by referring to their favorite client tool's tutorial.
The APDRC may be acknowledged as follows: Data provided by
Asia-Pacific Data Research Center, which is a part of the International Pacific Research Center
at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, funded in part by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).