AMSR-E weekly data (version 7)

AMSR-E weekly SST, wind, vapor, cloud and rain data

The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer is flown on Aqua polar orbiter providing full global coverage over the oceans. As a microwave instrument, it can "see" though clouds the only obstacle is heavy precipitation. Derived measurables are SST, surface wind speed, vertical column vapor and cloud water, and rain rate.

The data were acquired from the site. If you will use these data in publication please acknowledge their source (for details see the link to the originator).

SST (°C), Surface wind speed (m/s), atomspheric water vapor (mm), cloud liquid water (mm), rain rate (mm/hr)
ZonalGlobal by 0.25 deg
MeridionalGlobal by 0.25 deg
VerticalVertical surface, or column integrated
Temporal V7: Jun 1, 2002 to Oct 1, 2011 by 1 week(s)
Static? yes
Acquired Jan 1, 2005 (Update May 2014)
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