YoMaHa'07 (the update of YoMaHa '05) dataset contains estimates of velocities of deep and surface currents obtained using data of the trajectories from Argo floats. It includes data from 4284 floats stored in nine Data Assembly Centers (DAC s) worldwide and about 297,000 values of velocity. This is a 41% increase in the number of floats and 78% increase in the amount of data compared to YoMaHa 05. The data span the period from August 04, 1997 through May 15, 2007. Surface velocities are linearly regressed from float coordinates fixed by the ARGOS satellites. Deep velocities are estimates from floats displacements during each submerged phase of the cycle. Both surface and deep velocities are accompanied by error estimates, which are typically an order of magnitude smaller than velocity values. The accompanying technical paper describes data distribution in space, time and between the DAC s as well as probability distributions of programmed float parameters and statistics of their displacements. Possible application of the dataset is illustrated on the example of the ensemble-mean velocity field. Reference:K. Lebedev, H. Yoshinari, N. A. Maximenko, and P. W. Hacker. YoMaHa'07: Velocity data assessed from trajectories of Argo floats at parking level and at the sea surface, IPRC Technical Note No. 4(2), June 12, 2007, 16p. |