SCUD: Surface CUrrents from Diagnostic model

Surface Currents from Diagnostic model: daily global ocean surface velocities.

The SCUD is a new IPRC product, providing daily global maps of ocean surface velocities, including both pressure- and wind-driven components. A simple diagnostic model combines AVISO maps of sea level anomalies and QuikSCAT surface winds and is tuned to best reproduce trajectories of real drifters, drogued at 15 meters depth. The product is targeted at tasks addressing movement of a tracer or a parcel, floating at or near the sea surface, such as various kinds of marine debris, oil spills, as well as search and rescue operations. The detailed product manual is in preparation; inquire the originator about its status.

u-current (m/s), v-current (m/s)
Zonal global: Global by 0.25 deg ;
pacioos: Pacific region by 0.25 deg;
spurs-2: SPURS-2 region by 0.25 deg
Meridional global: Global by 0.25 deg ;
pacioos: Pacific region by 0.25 deg;
spurs-2: SPURS-2 region by 0.25 deg
Temporal global: Aug 1, 1999 to Nov 18, 2009 by 1 day
pacioos: Feb 14, 2012 to Present by 1 day
spurs-2: Mar 1, 2016 to Present by 1 day
SourceIPRC Tech. Note 5 
Acquired Jan 19, 2009 (Updated Nov 2024)
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