NRL NCOM 1/8° near Hawaii

NRL's NCOM 1/8° output around the Hawaiian Islands.

Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL) Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) hindcast. These data were downloaded by the APDRC for research use only.

Disclaimer: The results herein are derived from ongoing NRL research and development and are not considered "operational." NRL does not guarantee availability, service, or timely delivery of data.

NRL SSC would like to be continually involved with any uses of the data or graphics that they provide. Please keep them informed of any transitions or publications. Please let them know immediately if you should see anything questionable in the data or graphics so that they can make the product better.

Salinity, Temperature (°C), Surface Elevation (m), u and v velocity (m/s)
Zonal169.614E-139.41W by 0.1758 deg
Meridional9.796N-40.335N by varies (0.14-0.17 deg)
Vertical 0.5, 1.594905, 2.897632, 4.44763, 6.291831, 8.48608, 11.09682, 14.2031, 17.89898, 22.29637, 27.52843, 33.75358, 41.16032, 49.97294, 60.45827, 72.93381, 87.77733, 105.4383, 126.4515, 151.4531, 181.2003, 216.5939, 258.7054, 308.8101, 368.4251, 439.3557, 523.7495, 624.162, 743.6338, 885.7824, 1054.912, 1256.144, 1495.572, 1780.446, 2119.391, 2522.671, 3002.498, 3573.4, 4252.665, 5060.868 m
TemporalJanuary 1, 2003 to March 18, 2013
Static? yes
Volume30MB / day
Server public:
SourceNRL's website
AcquiredAug 13, 2007
APDRC contact
SupplementsNRL's NCOM Nowcast