Intraseasonal Variability Hindcast Experiment

Intraseasonal Variability Hindcast Experiment

A coordinated Intraseasonal Variability Hindcast Experiment (ISVHE) has been launched and supported by APCC, NOAA CTB, CLIVAR/AAMP, YOTC/MJO TF, and the SSC of AMY since 2009 in order to determine intraseasonal predictability and realized prediction skill in the current dynamical models. While the establishment of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) forecast metric and the coordination of operational forecast activity is a great advance, there is an outstanding challenge and urgent need to exploit these efforts to full potential and produce an MME forecast. However, underlying the development of an MME is the intrinsic need for lead-dependent model climatologies (i.e. multi-decade hindcast data sets) to properly quantify and combine the independent skill of each model as a function of lead-time and season. The development and analysis of a multi-model hindcast experiment is needed to address the above questions and challenges.

OLR, precipitation, convective precipitation, l arge scale precipitation, surface temperature, 2m temperature, U200, U850, V200, V850
Zonal Global by 2.5 deg
Meridional Global by 2.5 deg
Vertical Ensembles varies by model; in the '... XXX_ENS_XXX files' and 'SUT1' model, lev is time (year).
Temporal varies depending on model by 1 day
Static? yes
Volume 480G
Server public:
Source  ISVHE
Acquired Oct 20, 2015
APDRC contact
Supplements ISVHE project page