
  1. GoogleEarth®  Template for SPEArTC Dataset
  2. SPEArTC GoogleEarth® Files (Updated January 28, 2014)
  3. Scanned TC Paper Maps and/or Related Data
  4. Documentation for SPEArTC in Matlab format


  1. SPEArTC Dataset [please register first in order to download the dataset]
    Database citation
    (use the following reference to cite when using the SPEArTC dataset):
    Diamond, H.J., A.M. Lorrey, K.R. Knapp, and D.H. Levinson, 2012. Development of an Enhanced Tropical Cyclone Tracks Database for the Southwest Pacific from 1840-2010. Int. J. Climatol. 32: 2240–2250. DOI:10.1002/joc.2412.
  2. SPEArTC Dataset Documentation (Follows the IBTrACS Convention)
  3. Climatology Paper Using SPEArTC:
    Diamond, H.J., A.M. Lorrey, J.A. Renwick, 2013. A Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Climatology and Linkages to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation. J. Cli., 26, 1, 3-25.
  4. Pre-QC version of the SPEArTC dataset
  5. EOF Principal Component Derived Daily SAM Values from 700-hPa Geopotential Heights from 1969-2011
  6. Regressed SAM Index (rSAM) for TC Seasons from 1970-2011 with SOI Factored out via Linear Regression (Updated August 2013)
  7. Tropical Cyclone Training Presentation at Pacific Islands Climate Forum - January 2013
  8. Reconstructed Pseudo-RMM MJO Dataset Using Only Wind Data to Extend the RMM index back to the 1969/70 season - Courtesy of Dr. Matthew Wheeler, Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research
  9. Coupled ENSO Index (CEI) from January 1950 to November 2014 per Gergis and Fowler (2005).
  10. PhD Thesis (University of Auckland):  Diamond, H.J., 2014. A Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclones in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Basin