2. Map of SST 11,000 BP
- start at http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu/las/servlets/dataset?dset=APDRC%20Public-Access%20Products/Paleoclimate%20modeling/ECBilt-CLIO
- select SIM2bl Annual ocean
- select Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and click Next
- On the left hand side, click on "Define Variable"
(this opens extra options in the right window)
- Select analysis type : average
- enter a name for the new variable
- click on the checkbox for the t-axis
(apply to these axes : T [ *])
- Now some calculation is needed to find the averaging
interval for 11ka BP - 10 ka BP:
- ocean output data was stored only every tenth year
- Note that the time range is given in years after 21,000BP
- therefore 20,000 BP would be shown as time 1000
and 19,000 BP is time 2000
- 11,000 BP to 10,000BP is therefore: select the time 10000-11000
(or in indexed
time coordinates: 1001-1101)
- you can use the conversion below
- click Next
- optional
selections can be made to customize your output and click Next
(e.g. select a color palette "ocean temperature", use option "filled
3. Creating a SST difference plot 21ka BP - 1ka BP
- start LAS
- select SIM2bl Annual ocean
- select Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and click Next
(make sure that
only one variable is selected from the list)
- On the left hand side, click on "Define Variable"
(this opens extra options in the right window)
- Select analysis type : average
- enter a name for the new variable
- click on the checkbox for the t-axis
(apply to these axes : T [ *])
- select the
time 0-1000 (e.g. 21ka BP - 20ka BP) and click Next
- use the button Variables on the
left hand side to return to the variable list
(you should see your newly defined variable at the top of the list)
- deselect your defined variable
for first and select SST again (+Next)
- repeat steps 4-9 with time 20000-20990 (+Next)
NOTE if you cannot return to the variable list, go back to
the variable list. You will see the defined
- select "compare two variables" from the left menu
- click on "variable 1" in the left menu and select the
defined 21ka SST field
- click on "variable 2" in the left menu and select the
defined 1ka SST field
- choose options for plot customization (e.g. palette
anomaly) (+Next)
How to interpret the time axis?
The transient simulation started from an LGM equilibrium state with
boundary conditions 21,000BP.
The timing of forced climate variability in the model simulation
is dictated by the timing of the changes in the external forcing,
i.e. the boundary conditions of the model.
Whereas the timing of the orbital
is exact, uncertainties in the greenhouse gas forcings are unavoidable
(due to uncertainties in the depth-age conversion for ice cores and
ice-age gas-ice differences). Uncertainties from the proxy
records of
sea level change (etc) that contrain the ICE4 icesheet reconstruction
must also be considered.
Therefore, phase relationships to proxy data records must be considered within these uncertainties.
More details and discussion can be found in
Timm and Timmermann (2007) and Timmermann et al. (
submitted to Journal of Climate, 2008)
Annual mean data:
Atmospheric data:
For the interpretation of the transient climate
simulation, we
therefore interpret the time steps in the annual mean model output as:
model index |
LAS time |
time |
year BP |
1 |
0 |
0 |
21,000 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
20,999 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
20,998 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
21000 |
20999 |
20999 |
1 |
Table 1:
Interpretation of the model time steps
(annual mean data)
Oceanic data:
To reduce the large data
amounts of the 3-d ocean model, only every tenth year was
The first annual mean output for the ocean variables corresponds to
year 10 of the 21,000-year long simulation. The timescale for
oceanic transient climate simulation is therefore:
model index |
LAS time |
time |
year BP |
1 |
0 |
0 |
21,000 |
2 |
10 |
1 |
20,990 |
3 |
20 |
2 |
20,980 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
2100 |
20990 |
20990 |
10 |
Table 2:
Interpretation of the model time steps
(annual mean ocean data)
Seasonal mean data:
Seasonal mean output is available for the atmospheric data only.
Defining seasons in a model simulation with changing orbital parameters
can be done in at least two different ways. Our model uses a 360-day
calendar with an division of the year into four seasons of
length (90 days). The vernal equinox is fixed to day 81 in the model.
The days over which seasons are averaged are kept unchanged throughout
the simulation. The resulting fixed calendar seasons are the output
that is aviailable online. We refer to
et al. (2008) for a more detailed discussion.
Atmospheric data:
the interpretation of the transient climate simulation, we therefore
interpret the time steps in the seasonal mean model output as:
model index |
LAS time |
time |
year BP |
1 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
21,000 DJF |
2 |
0.25 |
0.25 |
21,000 MAM |
3 |
0.50 |
0.50 |
4 |
0.75 |
0.75 |
5 |
1.00 |
1.00 |
6 |
1.25 |
1.25 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
83999 |
20999.50 |
20999.50 |
84000 |
20999.75 |
20999.75 |
Table 3:
Interpretation of the model time steps
(seasonal mean data)
you can convert from year BP to the
LAS time interpretation here)
The model's seasonal averaging routine produces undefined
values in the first year every time the model is restarted. We
used a restart interval of 1000 model years. Hence, the values at time
steps (1,2,3,4) (4001,4002,4003,4004) (8001,8002,8003,8004) etc. are filled with NaN
the right LAS
time index range for a year BP:
enter year BP