Hawaiian Islands regional spectral model

Atmospheric model for the Hawaiian Islands run by Prof. Chen, UH Meteorology

The Regional Spectral Model (RSM) is run daily at the UH met department by Prof. Chen's group. The regional model uses results from the global NCEP model (AVN later GFS) as boundary forcing. Results were read from DAT tape archives provided by Prof. Chen.

geopotential height (m), zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind (m/s), temperature (k), pressure vertical velocity (pa/s), geometric vertical velocity (m/s), relative humidity (percent), absolute vorticity (1/s), mixing ratio of cloud water with ice (kg/kg), mixing ratio of rain water with snow (kg/kg), pressure (pa), precipitable water (kg/m2), relative humidity (percent), geopotential height (m), temperature (k), pressure (pa), zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind (m/s), speed shear (1/s), surface lifted index (k), convective ape (j/kg), convective inhibition (w/m2), best lifted index (k), geopotential height (m), temperature (k), pressure (pa), zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind (m/s), geopotential height (m), sea-level pressure (pa), relative humidity (percent), u wind stress (n/m2), v wind stress (n/m2), sensible heat flux (w/m2), latent heat flux (w/m2), temperature (k), volumetric soil moisture content (fraction), temperature (k), water equivalent of snow depth (kg/m2), downward longwave radiative flux (w/m2), upward longwave radiative flux (w/m2), upward longwave radiative flux (w/m2), upward solar radiative flux (w/m2), upward solar radiative flux (w/m2), downward solar radiative flux (w/m2), total cloud cover (percent), pressure (pa), pressure (pa), temperature (k), total cloud cover (percent), pressure (pa), pressure (pa), temperature (k), total cloud cover (percent), pressure (pa), pressure (pa), temperature (k), total precipitation (kg/m2), convective precipitation (kg/m2), ground heat flux (w/m2), sea-land mask (), ice concentration (), zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind (m/s), temperature (k), specific humidity (kg/kg), maximum temperature (k), minimum temperature (k), runoff (kg/m2), potential evaporation rate (w/m2), cloud workfunction (j/kg), u gravity wave stress (n/m2), v gravity wave stress (n/m2), planetary boundary layer height (m), albedo (percent), total cloud cover (percent), relative humidity (percent)
Zonal162W to 152W by .096 deg
Meridional17N to 23N by varies
Vertical to by mbar 
TemporalOct 2001 to Dec 2006 by 3 hour(s)
Volume24 MB per day
AcquiredJul 1, 2006 (updated Mar 1, 2007)
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