ETOPO2: 2 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model

1/30 degree digital relief of the surface of the earth.

The ETOPO2 version 2 is now available in both a downloadable cell-centered version, named ETOPO2v2c (pixel registered, where the cell boundaries are lines of even minutes of latitude and longitude, centered on intersections of lines of odd minutes of latitude and longitude) and a grid-centered, version, available via design-a-grid (with cell boundaries defined by lines of odd minutes of latitude and longitude, meaning that cells were centered on the integer multiples of 2 minutes [even minutes] of latitude and longitude). The cell-centered grid is the authoritative version. The grid-centered version was derived from the cell-centered grid and the conversion produces slightly flattened relief. This is a change from the original ETOPO2 (2001), which was available as grid-registered only.

Bathymetry (m)
Zonal Global by 2 Arc-Minute or 1/30 deg
Meridional Global by 2 Arc-Minute or 1/30 deg
Server public:
AcquiredApr 4, 2014
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